15 year old boy tortured to death by two brothers for allegedly stealing XBox

A boy who had just turned 15 years old, was tortured to death In Milwaukee by two brothers for allegedly stealing an Xbox.

According to The Journal Sentinel, 22 year old Malik Terrell and his 14 year old brother who is going by the name “AT”, lured Dennis King to a residence for allegedly participating in stealing an Xbox, where they trapped him inside. Terrell then stabbed King multiple times and beat him with a hammer to death, according to what prosecutors said on Monday, during Terrells sentencing on Monday.

Meakhi Autry-Terrell (Photo: Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office)










Terrell then called upon his half-brother Meakhi Autry-Terrell to bring him lighter fluid, that’s when “AT’ and Terrell set King’s body on fire.

“This is the most heinous, vicious, violent sadistic, and depraved homicide this community has seen in many years,” he said, sentencing Terrell to life in prison with no eligibility for parole.

Terrell’s 13 year old sister was even present at the time of the killing, and had to wear headphones, so she wouldn’t hear the bloody cries from King.

Terrell’s mother was also charged after she brought him a ticket to Chicago, after learning what he had done from his youngest brother.

Salena Terrell (Photo: Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office)


The judge said “This is the most heinous, vicious, violent sadistic, and depraved homicide this community has seen in many years,” he said, sentencing Terrell to life in prison with no eligibility for parole.”

Terrell was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole.

Autry-Terrell, who guilty to harboring a fugitive, and was sentenced to 1½ years in prison on Dec. 7. The 14-year-old’s case was already  in juvenile court, he was sentenced to “several years.”

The mother, Selena Terrell will be sentenced on Thursday after being charged with harboring a fugitive.

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