Rapper Luther Campbell’s son arrested in Miami; charges include grand theft auto

Luther Campbell, Jr, 23, was arrested this past Saturday in Miami, Florida.

Campbell is facing charges of drug possession and  Grand theft auto.

According to Miami Beach police reports, Campbell Jr. was driving a vehicle that had been reported stolen in Miami at around 9 a.m. along Washington Ave near 6th street.

The report said that a police officer found a bag of cocaine in Campbell Jr.’s pants pocket and he was also driving with a suspended license.

A female was reportedly in the vehicle with Campbell jr., but she told police that the two had met at a nightclub and Campbell was driving her home. The police report states that she didn’t know the vehicle they were in was stolen so police released her on the scene.

Campbell Jr. appeared in court on Sunday. He is currently being held without bail at the Miami- Dade County’s Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center.

Campbell Jr. is the son of Luther Campbell, who is a member of the rap group 2 Live Crew. Campbell has written a memoir that is supposed to be made into a Hollywood film.






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