21 Savage pays funeral for 3 year old shooting victim

21 Savage will be covering the funeral cost for the three year old boy who was shot and killed on Easter. The victim, 3 year old T’Rhigi Diggs whose birthday was days before he was killed during a drive by shooting in the Southeast part of Atlanta. The mother whose name is Roshanda Craig was driving her SUV with the toddler on Easter when she said she saw people with paintball guns in a Dodge Charger right before a deadly bullet hit her son, killing him as they drove past a Texaco gas station at an intersection. Both the mother and father are devastated. T’Rhigi’s funeral will be held Saturday at noon at Israel Bapist Church, 2071 Hosea Williams Blvd, which is in the Kirkwood part of Atlanta. The mother says everyone is welcomed to T’Rhigi’s funeral.

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