6 months later and Puerto Rico still hasn’t received their aid money & many are left to die

It’s been 6 months since Hurricane Maria destroyed Puerto Rico, leaving many to die, (over 1000) no electricity and the emergency response were pushed back when FEMA reportedly ignored emails for up to 3 days from the Island right after it was hit with Hurricane Maria. The Trump administration response was slow, and this humanity crisis was taken as a joke because Puerto Rico is not a state. Puerto Rico has been asking for years to become a state, so that they can be entitled to social services like the citizens they are, thus bringing them into the huge debt they got into. $23 billion dollars was said to be given to the island from Trump for the recovery process, and according to Omar Marrero, the director of Puerto Rico’s Central Recovery and Reconstruction Office, Puerto Rico has only received $430 million to help repair public infrastructure, and $1.7 billion for the federal assistance Nutrition program. Even though some electricity is back up and running on the island, many who reside in the mountain tops that are not located in the major cities say they haven’t received any help, or have seen anyone who can help them, leaving them with no electricity, and basically left to die as many of these people are elderly and ill because of the many roads that have been destroyed. Many have seeked exodus by moving here to the states, even as far as Alaska. If that doesn’t make it worse to try and save money, the Mayor has passed a bill that will result in making Puerto Rico’s public school private schools, and this will also result in the firing of many teachers. To make matters worse, according to QUARTZ the Puerto Rico Health department says suicide rates are up nearly a third in September and January compared to the same amount of time in 2016. My people will never forget how we have been treated. Phot Cred: New York Post

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