6-year-old boy who was starved to death weighed 18 pounds

ARIZONA- A 6-year-old boy who died in March after being starved to death weighed just 18 pounds at the time of his death according to his autopsy report.

6-year-old Deshaun Martinez was kept inside of a closet with his 7-year-old brother for about a month.

Their parents, Anthony Martinez and Elizabeth Archibeque admitted to police that the boys were kept for up to 16 hours a day inside of the closet with little or nothing to eat.

Anthony Martinez (left) and Elizabeth Archibeque

They said their sons were being punished  for stealing food from the refrigerator while they allegedly slept..

Deshauns autopsy shows that he died of starvation, with his cause of death ruled as a homicide.

The autopsy also showed that the boys eyes were sunken, he had bruises all over his body and abrasions.

His father told police that the family had been depending food stamps to buy food for the boys to eat.

The parents, Anthony Martinez and Elizabeth Archibeque, along with the boys grandparents were all arrested and charged with first-degree murder, child abuse and kidnapping. They all have pleaded not guilty.

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