10-year-old beaten to death, mother’s boyfriend charged

HARLEM, NYC- Police have charged a man with murder for the death of his girlfriend’s son.

Ryan Cato, 34, was arraigned Monday night on murder charges for the death of 10-year-old Ayden Wolfe, who was killed on Saturday.

An investigation showed that a neighbor called police on Friday, to report that that they had heard yelling and banging coming from a neighbor, but they never gave an apartment number.

Police say they searched the building, listening for sounds, but heard nothing and left. They also say that they the number to the person who called 911 twice but to no avail.

On Saturday, the same person called 911 again, saying they heard banging and shouting.

When police arrived at the correct residence, they found the boy unresponsive and unconscious. The 10-year-old boy was later pronounced dead at a Hospital.

Ayden Wolfe

Wolfe’s body was covered in bruises and abrasions “from head to toe”, according to a criminal complaint.

His cause of death was battered child syndrome.

There is also an ongoing investigation into the actions of the two officers who responded to the domestic dispute call.

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