Tristan Thompson Admits To Fathering Baby With Maralee Nichol

Tristan Thompson confirmed that he is the father of a baby boy with Maralee Nichols on his Instagram story Monday.

Tristan also apologized to Khloe Kardashian.

He wrote:

“Today, paternity test results reveal that I fathered a child with Maralee Nichols,” He wrote “I take full responsibility for my actions. Now that paternity has been established I look forward to amicably raising our son.”

Tristan added “I sincerely apologize to everyone I’ve hurt or disappointed throughout this ordeal both privately and publicly.”

The 30-year-old then addressed Khloe, who he had been dating when he impregnated Maralee.

“I sincerely apologize to everyone I’ve hurt or disappointed throughout this ordeal both privately and publicly.”