Will Smith Banned From The Oscars For 10 Years After Smacking Chris Rock

Will Smith has been banned from the Oscar’s for 10 years.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced Friday it is forbidding Smith from attending any academy events, which includes the Oscars, for 10 years.

The organizations President, David Rubin and CEO Dawn Hudson said in an open letter:

“This action we are taking today in response to Will Smith’s behavior is a step toward a larger goal of protecting the safety of our performers and guests and restoring trust in the academy.” “We also hope this can begin a time of healing and restoration for all involved and impacted.”

The decision was made following a meeting of the organizations 54-member board.

Will Smith released a short statement which read “I accept and respect the academy’s decision.”

The decision comes a week after Smith smacked Chris Rock in the face for poking fun of Jada-Pinkett Smith’s alopecia as he was hosting the Oscars. Smith released a statement apologizing to Rock and those at the Oscar’s. He also bowed out of the Oscar’s before the decion was made.