Pit bull dies from being sexually abused & beaten just two weeks after being adopted

LOS ANGELES, California: An animal rescue group is demanding an investigation after a Pit Bull who was adopted died from vaginal abuse. The “Ghetto Rescue Foundation” want an investigation after a Pit Bull died from what advocates are saying was due to physical & sexual abuse. The five year old dog named Cargo was dumped in front of a house in Los Angeles injured. A witness who would like to remain anonymous told the animal rescue group that neighbors reportedly saw two men dropping off the dog and “just left”.

Cargo had a rope around her neck and something was clearly wrong because the dog laid down on the floor and had to energy. Cargo was rushed to an emergency veterinary clinic and it was then that the rescue workers and doctors discovered that the dog had ” had trauma in her vaginal area”.

Cargo died the following day, which was Tuesday after doctors put her on pain medications. The cause of death was “some sort of blunt force and it caused her aorta to rupture.” Cargo had a microchip and it was found that she was adopted on July 23rd during a free adoption event and reportedly to a Hispanic male. Animal advocates say this is the danger animals go through when shelters hold free adoption events. Advocates say shelters usually do this when they are overcrowded. Photo cred: Ghetto Rescue FFoundation (GRFF) Facebook


This is truly horrific & sick act. If you have any information on who did this, please contact the Los Angeles Police Departments Animal Cruelty Task Force at 213-486-0450.

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