Man Allegedly Dumps Corpse In Chicago After Stealing Funeral Home Van

ILLINOIS- A man allegedly stole a funeral home van with a corpse inside and dumped the body, according to police.

Deon Howard, 23, who’s still at large, is accused of stealing the vehicle on Saturday from outside of a funeral home and dumping the dead man’s naked body in a Chicago alleyway, according to WGN-TV.

Police discovered the body of 47-year-old Curtis Brown on Sunday.

Brown died from a heart attack last week.

The director of the funeral home, Brandy Collins, was recently fined $10,000 for “unprofessional conduct, failure to account for personal property, and aiding and assisting unlicensed practice” and is on probation through May of 2023, according to WGN-TV.

Howard is still at large.