Rapper Flo Rida Gives Update After Son Falls 50FT From Window

FLORIDA- Rapper Flo Rida gave an upstate on his son’s health, after the toddler fell 50 feet from an apartment building last month.

Zohar Dillard, 6, fell from his mother’s New Jersey apartment window on March 4 and landed on the concrete, suffering serious injuries.

The toddler survived the fall but remains in intensive care after suffering a lacerated liver, collapsed lungs, internal bleeding and fractures in his pelvis and left foot.

The rapper wrote on social media last week “Great day, thank you for everyone who reached out with their concerns and prayers for my son.”

The rapper added “He is getting the best medical care and miraculously survived a tragic fall.

“I ask for your continued prayers as he undergoes rehabilitation, but I would appreciate that this remain a private matter.”

Flo Rida’s son remains in a body cast at the hospital.

The boy’s mother, Alexis Adams, has filed a lawsuit against the landlord and the building’s management.