Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson’s Older Boyfriend Indicted On DUI, Other Charges

Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson’s boyfriend was indicted on four counts after his arrest in February.

A grand jury voted to indict Dralin Carswell, 22.

Carswell was charged with “fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer, driving under the influence (controlled substance), driving under the influence (drugs),” as well as for “giving false information to a law enforcement officer,” court docs state, The Sun reports.

As Blackroomedia wrote before, Carswell was arrested on Feb. 28 after he “willfully failed and refused to bring his vehicle to a stop” and fled police with Thompson in the passenger seat.

A chase with the police lasted about three miles before police blocked Carswell.

Police found that Carswell had an outstanding warrant in another county.

Carswell began dating “Honey Boo Boo” when she was just 16 years old.