Kanye West Sued For Allegedly Punching Autograph Seeker And ‘Disfiguring Him’

Kanye West is being sued for punching a man in the face after he wanted to take a picture with the rapper, according to a report.

Justin Poplawski is claiming West punched him in the face repeatedly after he asked him for an autograph, as he’s done before, according to court documents obtained by TMZ Wednesday.

The alleged victim claimed on Jan. 13, 2022, he was waiting outside a hotel to get West’s autograph when the controversial rapper told him “Get the fuck out of here before I beat you the fuck up.”

The 46-year-old rapper then allegedly threatened Poplawski, telling him he would make a “fucking example of him.”

He then claims that West struck him and asked, “So do you want to get attacked for real?,” before he attacked the autograph dealer several more times, “severely injuring him.”

Poplawski said the assault left his face disfigured.

The alleged victim is now seeking an unspecified amount of damages to cover the medical bills due to his alleged disfigurement, mental pain, lost earnings and suffering.