Doja Cat’s Mother Files Restraining Order Against Son, Alleges He Broke Singer’s Teeth

Doja Cat’s mother is seeking a restraining order against her son for herself, the singer and her 13-year-old grandson, alleging domestic violence, according to reports.

A judge granted Deborah Elizabeth Sawyer, 62, with protection and a hearing for a permanent restraining order against 30-year-old Raman Dalithando Dlamini, according to TMZ.

The judge also said that Doja Cat would need to file her own request to file her a restraining order against Dalithando, citing “insufficient good cause”.

Sawyer claims Doja Cat has “experienced physical harm, such as “teeth being knocked out and bruises and lacerations,” which were inflicted by her brother. The mother claims that her son has also left his sister “traumatized”, court documents state.

Sawyer said Dalithando has threatened to kill her. She said the alleged abuse happened several times as of “recently.”

She claims that her teen grandson has witnessed the alleged abuse.

Dalithando recently had a restraining order against him that Sawyer filed, but it had expired, according to TMZ.

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