Man found guilty of rape, murder of 3 year old; horrifying details

A man in South Africa has been found guilty for the rape and murder of a three year old girl.

Photo Credit/Netwerk24










According to (News24)  Mortimer Saunder admitted in a plea explanation to killing three year old Courtney Pieters. Saunders confessed that he had given the little girl ant poison to make her sick before he choked her, and beat her, while using a towel to cover her mouth.

Saunders admitted to raping her after he murdered her but denied that he planned on killing the toddler.

The child’s decomposing body was found several days after she went missing from her home. Saunders said that he did it because of “ill feelings” he had against the little girls mother whose name is Juanita. He was a tenant in the house where she lived.

Saunders pleaded guilty to “plain murder.”

The state asked the court to convict Saunders on both charges of rape and premeditated murder and sentence him to two terms of life in prison.







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