Government shutdown means those on SNAP benefits may not receive food for months; chaos is a promise if millions go hungry

President Donald Trump is continuing his government shutdown because the poor sissy can’t get his funding for the wall he wants to build in front of Mexico. He told America that Mexico was going to pay for the wall, but now he’s lied once again yesterday and said that’s not what told the world.

This government shutdown has affected federal workers, for example TSA employees, those who work at national parks, museums and now those who are more vulnerable,  SNAP recipients. Some of these people are in the process are looking for work, the disabled or those who do have jobs rely on SNAP benefits to feed their families because their pay is not enough.

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said on Tuesday that those on SNAP would be given their benefits for the month of February in January, and they should receive it no later that Jan. 20th. This NOT a bonus benefit.

SNAP benefits are NOT guaranteed for the month of March, or after that if Trump continues with his shutdown.

This is going to cause TOTAL CHAOS, as it benefits 38 million people depend on these benefits to feed their families and themselves. So there will be hell.

Here’s how I can help. I suggest if you, or somebody you know is on SNAP, to stock up on canned food, which will last longer and hit up Food Pantries/Soup kitchens. I’ve also got a great website for you.

This website is a great site where you could put your zip code into their system and they’ll show you the nearest food pantry. Be prepared to bring birth certificates, social security cards for all family members and proof of address (some pantries may ask for this, not all do).

I hope this shutdown ends as many of Americans are beginning to suffer the consequences of a stubborn president who refuses to accept “no” as an answer and doesn’t about the people of the country he swore to help.



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