Police shot & killed a 14-year-old latino boy as he ran away from an officer; police also lied about teen pulling a gun out on officer. Where is the outrage?

(Arizona)- Tempe police released body cam footage on Friday that showed police officer Joseph Jaen pulling up in an alleyway, facing the opposite direction of a gray Chevy pickup truck, where 14-year-old Antonio Arce was inside.

Officer Jaen was shown hiding behind a trash bin, before yelling at Arce “hey!”, that’s when Arce is seen getting out of the truck and fleeing in the opposite direction of the officer.

The officer then yells “Let me see your hands!”, before firing two shots at the teen. The victim was hit once in the scapula area, as told by the Tempe police dept in a press conference. He died later at the hospital.

Tempe Police officer Sgt. Ronald Elock lied on Tuesday, saying “The suspect turned toward the officer, at which time the officer perceived a threat and fired his service weapon.”

Now, the reason why that’s a lie is because in the video, you can clearly see that the victim is running AWAY from the officer, and not once is he shown stopping and pointing a gun at the officer. In fact, the gun that the teen was allegedly found with, was a replica airsoft gun.

The teen continued to run to the end of the alleyway after being shot, and the police cam ends before showing the teens body. The officer then told the dispatcher, “I’m not shot, the suspect is, and it looks like he’s not breathing anymore.”

The family demands answers as to why their son was killed, and why are the police lying.

Sandra Gonzalez, Arce’s mother, told Phoenix ABC affiliate KNXV “Apart from the fact that they killed him, they want to destroy him. No, I won’t allow it — I want justice.”












Officer Jaen has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation into the shooting.

Video credit/ABC News



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