Michael Avenatti says R.Kelly is seen having sex with an underage girl in a newly surfaced video

Attorney Michael Avenatti says he has a sex tape that he has turned into police, showing singer R.Kelly having sex with an underage girl, on Thursday.

Avenatti says the video shows R.Kelly “engaging in multiple sexual assaults of a girl underage.”

The video was obtained by a former employee of the singer. Avenatii told The Hollywood reporter, “My client knows the identity of the girl and R. Kelly.” “He identified the two of them on the videotape. He worked for and has known R. Kelly for decades, and he met the girl on a number of occasions.”

Avenatti also tweeted that he will appearing on CBS Evening News to discuss the investigation.


The singer has been accused of having sex with underage girls for almost two decades, most recently in the Lifetime documentary “Surviving R.Kelly.”



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