Brothers in Jussie Smollett’s alleged attack case have been released from police custody

The brothers who were in police custody for questioning in the Jussie Smollett case have been released.

This story just keeps getting weirder..

Police spokesperson Anthony Gugliemi released a statement late Friday saying, “Due to new evidence as a result of today’s interrogations, the individuals questioned by police in the Empire case have now been released without charging and detectives have additional investigative work to complete.”

The two suspects, who are brothers, were believed to have committed assault, but they’ve have been released and not charged.

One of the brothers did work on the show, oddly enough. Gugliemi had believed they had assaulted the ‘Empire’ actor who still claims that he was attacked.

Smollett has changed his story. His original story was that he was attacked by two white males, who were wearing MAGA hats, as he was exiting a Subway restaurant, around 2 a.m. in Chicago on Jan. 29th, so it was a shock to see that the brothers were actually Nigerian.

There were rumors that this was a hoax to have Smollett taken out of ‘Empire’, but writers from the show tweeted denied that.

Smollett at one point wasn’t cooperating with police, when they asked him to turn over his phone. He said that he was on the phone with his manager when the two alleged men yelled “This is a MAGA country.”

He later said that he didn’t want to give them his phone because he had private content, so he gave police redacted phone records, and police said that it was insufficient for the investigation.

I’m starting to believe that this alleged attack was maybe a domestic one..





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