Instagram comedian Jess Hilarious says she’s not racist after having four Sikh men kicked off of a flight

Jess Hilarious, whose real name is Jessica Moore is receiving a  lot of backlash on social media after she had four men kicked off a flight on Saturday who were wear wearing turbans because she was “scared.”

In a tweet that she posted and deleted, the Instagram comedian said “I’m so sorry for my former #deleted post!! #Sorry but ya’ll blame [me] for being scared,” Moore wrote. “I saw four people of that caliber and I just revert back to the past, s**t if I’m scared, I’m scared!!!”

From her tweet, it’s clear to me that she was definitely racially profiling the four men because of their religion.

Since then, she’s continued to post and delete several other comments but two remain on her Instagram story in which she wrote “Look ya’ll, I’m not racist and never have I been,” Moore wrote. “We have Muslims in my family, however, I was totally unaware of the different types of Muslim, so yes, I admit I’m ignorant to the facts so teach me.”

She then added “I got no one put off the f***in plane.. i didn’t even say s**t to anyone ELSE on the f***in plane about how I felt! Again I’m sorry to all MUSLIMS… deeply sorry! But I am not a racist loves.”

“And for you OTHER clown b***hes talkin I’m cancelled.. (you b***hesSAY that s*** every month)… imagine ME CANCELLED For being human… #BYE”





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