Photo credit: Reuters

NYC Mayor considers releasing inmates from jails amid the Convid-19 crisis

NEW YORK CITY- Bill De Blasio said on Tuesday that he’s considering releasing people are who are incarcerated with a low risk of offending again.

De Blasio is currently in talks with the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice and the NYPD.

This is coming after a corrections officer died of the Coronavirus and an inmate at the Nassau County Jail. Jails are also short on supplies that they need to keep the inmates safe.

“We’re going to evaluate those numbers and the details and determine if case-by-case any of those individuals should be taken out of our jail system,” De Blasio said, adding “We don’t have a final decision or final numbers, but that evaluation is happening today.”

Correction Officer’s Benevolent Association President Elias Husamudeen called the Mayor’s proposal “beyond irresponsible.”


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