Alleged prostitute posts sex tape of customer after not getting enough in blackmail money

ST.LOUIS- An alleged prostitute ( not sure why I have to write alleged when she’s got a rap sheet for it) was arrested for posting a sex tape with her trick because he didn’t give up the loot..

Well, he didn’t give her enough.

According to the St Louis Post Dispatch, Moore-Jones was hired by a married man who was looking to have some fun, but instead was blackmailed by Moore-Jones, who recorded their threesome that included her, another woman and him without his knowledge.

She then contacted the man, and threatened to post the sex tape on his Facebook page if he didn’t pay her $15,000.

The man, in fear of his wife finding out he cheated on her with an alleged prostitute, and his employer, gave her $2,200 in installments, but that wasn’t enough for Moore.

So, she went and posted the sex tape anyways.

The man went to the F.B.I., and Moore was arrested. According to them she’s been arrested for prostitution before and domestic violence.






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