Almost 2,000 children ripped from their parents at the border (Audio) (Video)

According to a spokesperson from The Department Of Homeland Security, 1,195 children have ripped away from 1,940 adults at the Mexican/American border between April 19th to May 31st. Adults who cross the border that are undocumented are subject to criminal prosecution under the Trump Administrations “Zero Tolerance” as told by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in May. The photos are devastating as they show children in cages lying on thin blue mats with aluminum “Sheets”. In a new audio recording that was released you can hear the children crying out for their parents/guardians as their lied to by Border Patrol who tell them that they will see them. Play video:


Adults are immediately separated from their children because according to the Trump Administration it’s a consequence for those who cross the border. The adults are put in seperate cages while they await their criminal prosecution for charges such as immigration violations and/or criminal prosecution. Human rights advocates are outraged along with many others, including myself. I am a parent to young child and I just don’t understand how this administration can sleep at night knowing what they’re doing is not only illegal, but inhumane. In fact, Human rights groups and many others as far as the U.N. say these separations violate the rights of these children. Trump is continuing to lie, saying it’s the Democrats fault that this is happening, but there is in fact no statute that requires children to ripped away from their parents/guardians. Children Psychologist say this experience is very traumatic for these children and they will most likely suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder along with the heartbreak of being ripped away from the only ones they have in this world, who sacrificed their lives to give these children a better life than the horror that awaits them back in their country. To make matters worse Trump has made sure that illegal immigrants can no longer take refuge here in America if they are fleeing from domestic violence or any violence at that. Democrats are scrambling to pass a bill called the “Keep Families Together Act” to stop the Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy. Democrats say the bill has been supported by 48 senators, but no support from the Republicans even though Trump and his administration are blaming these inhumane acts on Democrats. Trump is America’s modern day Hitler.

Photo cred: (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin/Poll)

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