Armed Teen Who Pulled Mask Off During Alleged Robbery Claimed It Was A “Prank”

GEORGIA- A teen who walked into a vape store, pulled a gun out and demanded money from the store employee, claimed it was part of a prank.

On Thursday night, a man wearing a ski mask walked, identified as 18-year-old Brandon McMahon, walked into the Smoke Stars Vape shop and pulled a gun out on the clerk. Surveillance footage shows the teen demanding products.

He starts to laugh, after taking his mask off.

McMahon told the clerk that it was part of a prank for his YouTube channel.

The shaken clerk told the teen “Yo dude!” That wasn’t funny.”

The teen tells the clerk that the gun was an airsoft gun and says apologizes before leaving the store.

Police say McMahon was charged with criminal attempt to commit armed robbery.

McMahon told police that he was doing a prank for his YouTube channel as he told the clerk, but police say he doesn’t have a channel, and nobody was filming his fake prank.