Customer Shoots, Kills Armed Robber Inside Restaurant

HOUSTON- An armed robber was fatally shot by a customer after demanding money, police said.

The incident happened around 11:30 p.m. on Thursday when a masked gunman walked into the Ranchito Taqueria, pointed a gun at customers and demanded they hand over their money and wallets, according to Hoston Police.

Surveillance footage shows the customers terrified, hiding under tables as the suspect walked around, grabbing their belongings, which customers were throwing on the floor.

That’s when a patron sitting a booth stood up and opened fire on the gunman, video footage shows.

The customer shot the suspect four times before he collapsed on the floor. He stood over the gunman and shot him one more time at point-blank range.

The patron then collected the money the suspect stole from the customers and returned it to them before some fled the restaurant.

He then fled in a truck.

The suspect was identified as a man in his 20’s and was pronounced dead at the scene.

Authorities are now searching for the customer to question him, but he isn’t facing any charges. Police believe the patron acted in self-defense.