Felicity Huffman sentenced to 14 days in prison for college admissions scam

‘Desperate Housewives’ star Felicity Huffman has been sentenced to just 14 days in prison for paying $15,000 to have her daughter’s SAT scores rigged so that she could get into a Ivy League college.

Are we really surprised?

The actress was handed a VERY light sentence on Friday by the judge.

Prosecutors were asking for her to serve a month in prison, and her lawyer’s were seeking probation.

The 56-year-old actress told the court “I was frightened, I was stupid, and I was so wrong.”

Yes, she was very wrong. They’re are many families, whose children bust their ass to get into a great college and here comes these wealthy, famous caucasians that throw a few dollars to a school and think they’ll get away it.

Shame on the schools that accept this money too.

As a parent you want the best for your children, but what she really did was hurt them..





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