Flashy And Shady Brooklyn Bishop Arrested By FEDS For Fraud

NYC- A flashy Brooklyn bishop who caused controversy for his lavish lifestyle after being robbed on Facebook Live has been arrested by the FEDS, according to reports.

Bishop Lamor Whitehead, 44, was arrested and charged with committing fraud for allegedly taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from his elderly members of his congregation.

He was charged with fraud, extortion and making false statements to the FBI about his alleged business deals with members at his Brooklyn church, according to multiple reports.

Whitehead, a pastor at the Leaders of Tomorrow International Ministry, allegedly sought money and other valuable things from his victims on the basis of false promises, promising members investments that would benefit them and he made threats, reports The New York Daily News.

He allegedly took $90,000 to from a member of his congregation under the belief that he would help her buy her first home. He never did and the alleged victim sued him in court. Whitehead allegedly used the money to buy himself a home in New Jersey.

The bishop first made headlines after he was robbed during a sermon at his church during a live stream. Some questioned if the robbery was set up but police arrested two suspects in connection to the robbery.