Florida Rapper Ace NH Found Not Guilty Of Double Murder In Recording Studio

TAMPA, FLORIDA- A Tampa rapper who was charged with first-degree murders and burglary was found not guilty on Friday.

After a few hours, a jury found rapper Billy Adams not guilty of killing two men outside of a home recording studio in November 2020.

Prosecutors said Adams was a cold-blooded killer.

Adams took the stand in his defense during trial, saying he was in fear for his life and no choice but to defend himself when he shot and killed Trevon Albury and Daniel Thompson.

During the trial, the man who owned the backyard recording studio, Joseph Meeks, testified that he witnessed Adams with the two victims that night, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

Adams said the victims were his acquaintances.

He was there to record. Meeks said when the session wrapped up, he heard two gunshots.

Adams said the two victims were behaving strange, giving gestures to each other.

Adams told the jury, “Mr. Albury point a gun to the back of Mr. Meeks head.” “Mr. Meeks is at the computer; his back is turned. He doesn’t know what’s going on,” according to local reports.

The rapper said that’s when he sprang into action.

‘I pulled out my gun and I shot Mr. Albury in fear of Mr. Meeks being shot or myself being shot,” he explained. “Mr. Thompson grabs my gun and tries to take my gun from me, and I was in fear that he would have shot me, so I shot Mr. Thompson.

The jury deliberated after lunchtime on Friday and before 6 p.m., they reached a not guilty verdict.