Inmates who escaped jail by climbing down 12 stories are captured

OKLAHOMA- Two inmates who escaped a jail on Friday have been captured, after climbing down 12 stories with sheets.

According to, Jose Balentin Hernandez, 33, and Pablo Daniel Robledo, 34, had made a rope from sheets that were more than 100 feet long, tying them to table in the 13th story cell they both shared.

Hernandez, accused of rape and indecent exposure, didn’t make it far, as he fell to the ground, breaking his ankle. Police found him that morning laid out on in the grass.

Robledo, suspected of being involved in a fatal gang shooting, was captured hours later, as he walking in Oklahoma City, close to his father’s home. Authorities said that he was planning on visiting his father, and would have allegedly attempted to flee the country.

Hernandez was taken to the Hospital for his injuries.

This is NOT the first that inmates have attempted to escape this jail.

The inmates also left behind a map, along with other details about their escape.

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