Intruder in Eminem’s home told rapper he was going to kill him

DETROIT- The man arrested for intruding Eminem’s home, was there to kill him, according to court testimony.

According to the Detroit Free Press, during a preliminary examination in Macomb County Court, the responding officer who went to Eminem’s home, testified that when Eminem asked 27-year-old Matthew David Hughes why he was in his home, Hughes told him that he was there to kill him.

The officer also testified that when police arrived at the home, Eminem’s security got into a physical altercation with Hughes.

Hughes appeared in Court on Thursday, but Eminem didn’t, instead his lawyer watched the testimony via video.

On April 5th, around 4 a.m., Hughes allegedly threw a brick paver into a back window in Eminem’s home, and was able to gain access inside, sneaking around the security guard.

Eminem’s alarm went off, awaking him, and he confronted the intruder.

Hughes has been charged with first-degree home invasion and malicious destruction of property.

Hughes is set to be arraigned on Sept. 28th.

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