Kailyn Lowery quits social after losing thousands of followers; poor baby

‘Teen Mom’ star Kailyn Lowry has quit social media after losing thousands of followers, and here’s why.

Lowry went from having 1.4M followers to 912k overnight, and people are believing that it has to do with her sharing her thoughts on Jenelle Evans’ break-up with her husband David Eson.

Both women haave been enemies for years, but were actually best friends at one time.

Lowry tweeted “Y’all really don’t f— w me anymore, huh?” replying to her huge loss in followers.

She then added “Wtf @twitter. 600k followers over night and still losing. What is happening?”, “Wow I’m sad! I’m sorry guys…. I fucked up somewhere evidently.”

Lowry makes most of her money through advertising like many reality stars do, so it must be hitting her pockets hard. Poor baby, you’ll be fine.


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