Kenyan beauty queen sentenced to death for killing boyfriend

A kenyan court has sentenced a woman who won a prison beauty pageant to death for killing her boyfriend. A Kenyan court has sentenced 24 year old Ruth Kamande to death after she stabbed her boyfriend Farid Mohammed, 24 about 51 times. According to High Court judge Jessie Lesiit passed the sentence on Thursday after saying Kamande showed no remorse for murdering her boyfriend. “I think passing any other sentence than the one prescribed (death) would turn the accused into a hero,” said Lesiit. The victims family member told reporters after the sentence was handed down “We’re glad that this day came and his grandparents, his sister were actually in court today when this verdict was given”. They added he had started a new job and his life was “cut short”. Rights group Amnesty International said the sentence was “Cruel” and “inhumane”. Kamandes lawyer plans to appeal the sentence. Photo cred: ANA


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