Man Accused Of Pulling Gun Out On Wendy’s Employee Over Missing Sauce

NORTH CAROLINA- A man allegedly pulled a gun out on a Wendy’s employee after he didn’t get sauce with his food order, according to reports.

Police say officers responded to reports of an altercation between a customer and an employee at the fast-food joint last week, according to Fox 7.

The 35-year-old male suspect was driving around the parking lot while allegedly brandishing a gun and refusing to leave.

Employees at Wendy’s told police that the man was upset that “he didn’t get any sauce with his meal.” He began arguing with an employee and “pulled out a handgun”, threatening to shoot the employee.

Employees closed the drive-thru window and call 911.

Police recovered a handgun from the man’s pants pocket, and it came back that the gun was stolen.

He was charged with communicating a threat and possession of a stolen handgun.

Photo credit: Mike Kemp/In Pictures via Getty Images