Man Stabbed Girlfriend Over 100 Times, Beheaded Her After She Refused To Have Sex With Him

ALABAMA- A man is accused of stabbing his girlfriend over 100 times decapitating her after she refused to have sex with him, according to police.

Justin Fields, 38, was reportedly celebrating his birthday when he became extremely intoxicated and murdered his girlfriend, Tammy Bailey, 52, according to

Police say they discovered Bailey’s head lying by her feet and one of her arms had been severed.

The couple had gone out to several bars on Friday to celebrate Field’s birthday before they both returned home where they both lived.

Once back home, Fields continued to drink and decided he wanted to have sex, going into Bailey’s room and asking her, the news outlet reports.

Bailey refused, and according to Fields statement, he became frustrated and “stabbed her in the chest.”

Ater Fields allegedly stabbed her, he told investigators that he blacked out and fell asleep. When he awoke on Saturday, he said he saw her bloody body, but thought he was having a nightmare and proceeded to stab her over 100 times with an eight-inch blade.

He returned the following day, and her body was still.

Fields called his father, telling him what he had done, but instead of calling 911, his father contacted another family who went over to Fields’ home.

Fields refused to open his door for the family member, telling her he had done something “terrible” and that he wanted to kill himself. She then called police.

Police arrested Fields and charged him with murder and abuse of a corpse.