Minister hangs “No Gays Allowed” sign up in Hardware store after bakery Supreme court ruling

In East Tennessee, a Baptist Minister celebrated the Supreme Court’s recent decision that sided with the Colorado Bakery who refused to make a cake for a gay couple in May of 2012, by hanging a sign outside of his Hardware store that reads “No Gays Allowed”, but he soon replaced that sign with another one that read “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who would violate our rights of freedom of speech & freedom of religion”. Jeff Amyx who owns the Amyx Hardware and Roofing Supplies store had reportedly put the sign up in 2015 when the SCOTUS permitted same-sex marriages across the U.S.. Amyx told WBIR that he was celebrating the Colorado ruling along with saying “Right now we’re seeing a ray of sunshine. This is happy days for Christians all over America, but dark days will come”. Amyx also told WBIR that he does not plan to take the sign down.

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