Officer Who Shot Unarmed 11-Year-Old Boy In The Chest Who Called 911 Won’t Be Indicted

MISSISSIPPI – A police officer who shot an unarmed 11-year-old boy in his chest after he called 911 for a domestic dispute will not be indicted.

On Thursday, a grand jury reported that it found no criminal conduct on behalf of Police Sgt. Greg Capers, who shot and injured Aderrien Murry in the chest while responding to a 911 call on May 20, 2023, the Mississippi Office of the Attorney General said in a statement.

The office said it had completed its review of the incident. “As such, no further criminal will be taken by this Office in this matter.”

His family reportedly plans on filing a federal civil lawsuit.

Murry told PEOPLE “This was very, very scary for me and my family,” he said. “I thought I was going to die.”

On May 20, his mother said she quietly asked him to call 911 after a dispute with a man inside of her home.

He called 911, texted his grandmother, and asked her to come over.

When police arrived at the home, they knocked on the door, and then began kicking it. Murry’s mother said when she opened the door, police pointed a gun at her face, ordering her to come out of the house.

Murry said he was ordered to exit his room with his hands up, and when he walked out into the living room following orders, officer Capers shot him in the chest.

He didn’t realize he was shot until he left the home and his mother saw blood beginning to cover his shirt.

He was airlifted to a children’s hospital, where he was treated for a collapsed lung, a lacerated liver, and fractured ribs after the bullet entered his chest and exited his back.

A GoFundMe has been set up to help with Murry’s medical expenses.