Passenger steals from military veteran dying on bus

VIRGINIA- A passenger was caught on video, stealing from a dying man on a bus.

WTVR reports that a military veteran suffered a heart attack on a Richmond City bus last Thursday. Passengers came to the Vet’s aide, but decided to exit the bus, with one man staying behind.

Police say that 20-year-old Demontea Chappell, stayed behind on the bus, under the impression that he would help the dying victim, who was unconscious and having difficulty breathing.

Video from the bus surveillance showed Chappell asking the victim “Pop?, What you name is Pop?”, while he was dying on the floor.

“Trying to find his wallet. Where the wallet at?” Chappell continued, as he took money the victims wallet, and putting the wallet back into his pocket.

Chappell is not in police custody.

The victims family contacted the bus company, after finding that the victims wallet had no money it, which they say was odd. Transit employees contacted police, who viewed surveillance footage.

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