Rapper Feezy Lebron Files $10 Million Lawsuit Against L.A. County Sheriff’s Office After Officer Pointed Gun At Him

LOS ANGELES- Rapper Fezzy Lebron is suing Los Angeles County deputies after an officer unjustifiably pointed a gun at him on New Year’s Eve as he was in his car, he claims.

Body cam footage of the incident was released in early January and has since gone viral on social media.

Feezy, whose real name is née Darral Scott, can be seen sitting in his vehicle inside of a parking lot on December 31, as he was waits for his friend when he’s approached by an officer.

His attorney says deputies opened Scott’s door without giving him a warning, grabbed his arm and attempted to pull him out of his car with giving him an explanation.

In the footage, one deputy has a flashlight on Feezy, while the second officer walks over to his car and threatens to shoot him.

“If you take off in this car, I’m going to shoot you,” the deputy said in the video. “I’m going to make it super easy on you. You put this car in drive, you’re getting one to the chest.”

Feezy asks the officer for an explanation but was threatened again before he was handcuffed and detained for almost 20 minutes in the back of a patrol vehicle.

He wasn’t arrested but was given a ticket for a missing license plate.

‘Without any justification, the deputy then drew his firearm and pointed it directly at Claimant at point blank range, who had his hands up and was not moving,” the statement read. “Claimant was then forced out of his car, searched, and tightly handcuffed, causing him physical injuries.” He was detained in the back of a patrol vehicle for approximately 20-40 minutes while deputies searched his car without consent or lawful justification.

After the incident, Feezy says he drove to the LASD station to file a complaint about the incident but was “approached by about 5 officers who lied to him “about their purported inability to take his complaint,” according to NBC.

The rapper says he was made to wait four hours while the deputy who threatened to kill him earlier bullied him into “not filing a complaint”, the statement read.

The L.A. Sheriff’s Office said the incident is under investigation.

Feezy is suing for $10 million.