Rick Ross settles his child support case over 12 year old son

Rick Ross has settled his child support case over his 15 year old son according to The Blast. The mother to Ross’s son took the rapper to court demanding more money in child support, because she claimed that Ross has been making much more money. According to court documents Ross and Tia Kemp have come to a settlement where monthly child support payments will paid directly to Kemp’s bank account. The amount of child support is unknown. Kemp sued Ross for paternity in 2007 for their son, William Roberts III (Which is Ross’s name). Both parents have been back and forth to court and with the drama. Ross at one point said that Kemp wasn’t working, and that she wanted his child support payments to cover her lifestyle, and to take care of her other children, who Ross is not the father too.

Photo of Tia Kemp:

Photo Cred of Rick Ross: TMZ

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