Teen girl beaten to death by boyfriend in parking lot

COLORADO- An 18-year-old girl was allegedly beaten to death by her ex- boyfriend according to police.

Danielle Hopton was found unconscious “with life-threatening injuries consistent with an assault” in the parking lot of an apartment complex on Feb. 6, according to according to Fort Collins police.

Hopton was taken to a nearby Hospital where she was pronounced dead.

Her death was ruled a homicide.

Police arrested Hopton’s ex-boyfriend Stephen McNeil, 20, in connection to her death and another suspect, Ian Rayas, 20, was taken into custody as well.

Hopton was with both men, and they had drove to the parking lot to hangout, according to police.

Hopton and McNeil got into a dispute shortly after exiting the vehicle, and McNeil fled the scene after assaulting Hopton.

McNeil is charged with first-degree murder, and Rayas is charged with attempt to influence a public servant and accessory to a crime.

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