Teen girls charged after stealing from dead man, posting video on Snapchat

TEXAS- Two teenage girls have been arrested and charged after discovering a dead man’s body, stealing from him and posting the unbelievable act on Snapchat.

Police believe that the 25-year-old male committed suicide by hanging himself with a shirt on Monday, police say.

Investigators say that the girls told them they came across the 25-year-old man’s body near a ditch on Monday morning, and called a friend, who called 911, reports FOX San Antonio.

Their story was proven to be much more different after an investigators came across a viral video of the crime scene before police arrived.

The teen girls, 16 and 17-years-old, are now facing felony charges of theft from a human corpse, according to the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office.

A Snapchat video that was anonymously sent to police, shows the 17-year-old suspect stealing the deceased man’s gold chain from his neck.

The necklace was still in the possession of one of the girl’s and it was later given to police.

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