“Teen Mom 2” Jenelle Evans husband shoots and kills their dog; why isn’t he in jail?

It always some drama with “Teen Mom” Jenelle Evans.

Whether it’s her abusive relationships, her drug use, CPS reports or her low-life second husband David Eason, who just killed thier dog.

Evan says that she’s thinking of divorcing Eson after he took her French Bulldog “Nugget” and KILLED it. Yes, you’re reading that right. Where is animal control & the police?!

Us Weekly got a hold of the always troubled reality star on Wednesday, and she told them from her Twitter account “At this time, we are dealing with this rough situation. I want to focus on what’s best for me and my kids,” adding “(Divorce is) in thoughts, but nothing is finalized.”

Evan’s told Us Weekly, that Eason took the dog out to the woods, shot and killed it.

On his Instagram page, Eason justifies what he did by posting a video that shows the dog nipping at their daughters face, with a caption that reads “I dont give a damn what animal bites my baby on the face… whether it be your dog or mine, a dog is a dog and I dont put up with that shit at all. I’m all about protecting my family, it is my lifes mission. Some people are worth killing or dying for and my family means that much to me. You can hate me all you want but this isnt the first time the dog bit Ensley aggressively. The only person that can judge weather or not a animal is a danger to MY CHILD is ME.”


If you have experience with dogs, (as I do) the dog seems to be frightened by the couple’s two-year-old daughter Ensley Eason .

This usually happens when parents let their kids play too rough with a dog or use them as a toy, by tugging on them and doing other things that are very irritating to the animal.

Evan’s posted a photo on her IG of her dog. Her caption read “Nugget… I’m crying everyday. I love you so much and I’m so sorry. I’m speechless. You were my side kick and knew the moment I felt bad and would cuddle with me. You still had a lot to learn and a lot to grow from your lessons. Everyday I wake up you’re not here, when I come home you’re not here, when I go to bed… you’re not here. You’re gone forever and there’s no coming back. #Heartbroken #Distraught 😓😪💔




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