Elizabeth Shelley/ Alex Whipple

Uncle sentenced to life for the rape and murder of his niece

UTAH- 21-year-old Alex Whipple has been sentenced to life in prison for the rape and murder of his 5-year-old niece.

According to The Salt Lake Tribune, Whipple kidnapped his niece Elizabeth “Lizzy” Shelley on May 25th, raped her and then murdered her, dumping her remains under a tree just a block away from her home.

District Judge Kevin Allen told Whipple in court on Tuesday “You will never see the light of day,” before he sentenced him, adding, “You will never breathe free air again. What you did was so abhorrent and vile that you must spend the rest of your life in prison.”

Whipple told police where Elizabeth’s body was after they were searching for 5 days. He told them the location of where her remains were in exchange for not being put to death.

Authorities charged Whipple after Elizabeth’s DNA was linked to his clothing. Her blood was found on his watch and sweater..



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