Video of Drake getting booed off stage in Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES- Drake was booed off stage by fans during Tyler The Creator’s annual “Camp Floggnaw” music festival Sunday night.

Fans were somehow under the impression that Frank Ocean was going to coming out, and were very upset when Drake hit the stage.

Drake heard the angry mob, and kept it professional by addressing the crowd.

He asked them that if it was ok with them, that he would continue to perform, but fans began shouting “No”, along with booing him, so he exited the stage, but not before telling the crowd “It’s been love, adding “I love y’all. I go by the name of Drake.”

Check the video below:

Rapper Tyler the Creator, who handpicked the line-up for the music fest spoke out about how the fans during Sunday’s show treated Drake and he’s not happy.

Here’s what Tyler tweeted Monday afternoon:


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