(Video) Santa Fe shooter yelled “Surprise” before his rampage

Update: On Friday morning during 1st period at Santa Fe High School a student armed with a shotgun and a pistol that legally were owned by his father, stormed into an art class dressed in a black trench coat and began shooting students taking the lives of 10 innocent people. 2 of the victims were teachers and 8 were students. Witness reports say students were hiding in a closet and the shooter repeatedly kept shooting at students inside of the closet, he also shot a student in her leg as she was on the classroom floor. The gunman has been now identified as Dimitrios Pagourtzis, 17. Isabelle Laymance, 15, who was in the exact art room said the suspect was cursing and yelling as he continued shooting according to the Washington Post. The student also said when police approached the shooter he shot a police officer and began pleading with officers that he would surrender saying ‘If I come out, don’t shoot me.’. The student says they didn’t shot him, instead they put him in handcuffs. Had this been a Black or Latin male shooter, I’m sure the police would have not thought twice about killing him. Police also found explosives in and around the campus. Investigators are also questioning two other people that may have had information about the shooting beforehand or maybe have helped the shooter. Investigators also found evidence on the suspects computer that showed how he intended to shot people and then take his own life. The suspect has now been charged with capital murder and aggravated assault. We’ll keep you updated.

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