Woman trying to break Guinness World record with 23 tats of Eminem

UNTIED KINGDOM- A Stan is trying to break the Guinness World record by having the most tattoos of Eminem.

According to The Daily Record, Nikki Paterson, is trying to break the world record with her 23 tattoos of the Detroit rapper.

She has 43 tats in total.

Paterson, who owns a nail salon, got her first tattoo of Eminem when she was 19-years-old, and became addicted ever since.

Paterson has sent in photos of her tats to the Guinness World Record, but it hasn’t been an easy process because officials are requesting more proof.

Paterson told the paper, “I have to get a dermatologist to count the tattoos and measure them, and the representatives at Guinness World Record essentially have to write a report saying how many I have and where they are.”

Eminem is well aware of Paterson, as his photographer once snapped photos of her tattoos, and sent them to the rapper.

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