YouTuber Finds Car Belonging To Missing Teens Who Vanished 21 Years Ago

TENNESSEE- A YouTuber may have helped police solve a 21-year-old cold case involving two teens who vanished.

Unidentified human remains were found inside of the black Pontiac Grand AM last month after Jeremy Beau Sides of the YouTube channel “Exploring with Nug” discovered the vehicle that Jeremy Bechtel, 17, and Erin Foster, 18, were in the night they were heading to a party.

The teens left Bectel’s home on the night of April 3, 2000, and were never seen again.

Police investigated but were unable to find any leads in finding the pair.

“It was a very small town, two teenagers go missing and no one knows where they went. Everybody knew these kids, they went to school with them, you know,” Sides told WTVF. “Half the police officers went to school with these guys, they were friends with them. It was a very great feeling to bring so much closure and answers to so many people at once. It meant a lot to me, and I know it meant a lot to all of them too.”

A Sheriff told Sides that he was looking in the wrong area, so he decided to search in a different location at the Calfkiller River where he discovered the submerged vehicle.
The skeleton remains have been sent for genetic testing and dental record analysis. Police don’t suspect foul play.

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